Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The best way to start the new year....

So this isn't like a first time blog posting, (fuck, I waste time reading blogs all day) but it's more like a resolution that I will promise to keep something strenuously updated. This is my first post and i think it's fitting to that the focus to it will be to contribute something from me, or something genuinely important that I have found to thus internets.

The way I would like to post in this blog is to keep a reflective tab on ideas that come into my head, share new music that i'm totally all about, (hopefully provided my new instruments create some of my own), and share art, images, and video that are worth wasting time over.

I'm making a sticky to update this daily as a must, because basically it's no fun to read posts from people who only update ever once in awhile.

My writing style is rather stream of consciousness, and I apologize in advance for any sentences which i type that don't make much sense due to missing words or misspellings.

1 comment:

Jen K said...

willkommen. i'm adding you to my list of blogs!